3 Commonly Overlooked Benefits Of Metal Shingle Roofs

Since metal shingle roofs are less common than asphalt roofs, there are many homeowners who are not fully aware of all the benefits these roofs have to offer. As a result, these homeowners may not seriously consider the option of installing a metal shingle roof on their homes. Thankfully, you can avoid making this same mistake by taking just a few minutes to review three of the commonly overlooked benefits associated with metal shingle roofs. 

#1: Energy Efficient

Many people assume that metal roofs are poor insulators. After all, if you leave a piece of metal outside in the sun or extremely cold temperatures, you will find that this metal also takes on extreme temperatures. However, this is not the case with metal roofing shingles. These shingles are designed to reflect the sun's rays rather than absorb them. This can help to keep your home cooler during the summer months. Metal shingles are also great at keeping cold outdoor temperatures from transferring into your home and keeping the heat from your furnace inside your home. This can help keep your cooling costs down by making your home more energy efficient. 

#2: Environmentally Friendly

Metal roofing shingles are a great option for homeowners who are environmentally conscious. In addition to being made from a high percentage of recycled materials, these shingles can also be recycled once they are removed from your roof. This means that your choice to install a metal shingle roof will help to prevent countless asphalt shingles from ending up in your local landfills. 

#3: Saves Money Over Time

While it is true that metal roofing shingles can be a bit more expensive upfront than options such as asphalt shingles, these metal shingles can save you quite a bit of money over time. In addition to the money you will save by making your home more energy efficient, you will also be able to save on future roofing repair and replacement costs. This is because metal roofs often far outlive other types of residential roofs. These roofs are also quite resistant to damage and therefore often require less maintenance and repairs. 

A Final Thought 

While the three benefits discussed above represent some of the most commonly overlooked benefits that metal shingle roofs have to offer, these benefits are only a small portion of all the benefits you can expect to enjoy when installing a metal roof on your home.

To learn more about metal shingle roofing, contact a roofer. 

411 Words

About Me

Can You Top This? Once you watched someone put a roof on a home, you have a much deeper understanding of what's involved in this sort of work. Roofing is not easy. There's a big mental component since the roofers need to decide how how many shingles to use, how to best lay them out, and so forth. Then, there's the physical aspect of roofing. Lugging packages of shingles onto the roof is not easy, and nailing them down take a lot of work, too. With that in mind, we welcome you to read more about roofing on this blog. Let the articles inform your opinion of the profession.




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