You need to know which siding is more fire-resistant, especially if your residence area experiences frequent wildfires and dry spells. If you plan to install or replace your siding, you need to know which material suits your home. Whereas you may not fully protect your home from all calamities, you can make it durable with the right fire-resistant sliding.
Fire-resistant sliding protects your home from exterior fires. Here are top siding materials with their fire resistance capabilities.
Vinyl is a popular siding product due to its abundance, affordability, durability, and beauty. A fire-resistant material called Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) makes vinyl sidings. PVC doesn't ignite unless exposed to 750 degrees Fahrenheit and above temperatures. Even if the fire achieves the stated temperatures, the material can only continue to burn at very high oxygen levels.
Brick has a high fire resistance ability and keeps fire away from the rest of your property since brick sliding lacks caulked joints. Many exterior fires spread into your house because the flames get behind the siding to non-combustible materials within your house. If the flames can't get past the sliding, that is one less worry off your shoulder.
You likely think that wood is a highly flammable material since firewood burns easily. Even though that is true, you can treat wood sidings to improve fire resistance. Chemical flame retardants added to wood help limit the spread of flames. Still, wood is more susceptible to burns than other siding materials. Be aware that fire can still enter your home's study cavity through the joints of your siding assembly.
If you live in a place prone to wildfires, metal sliding might be your best shot. The commonly used metals for the sidings are aluminum, steel, zinc, and copper. Most metal slides are virtually fire resistant because of their non-combustible nature (i.e., they don't ignite or spread fires). If you want close to 100% fire-resistant sliding, metal is probably the way to go.
Fiber Cement
Fiber cement consists of sand, wood fiber, and cement, thus having a very high fire resistance ability. The fire rate of many fiber cement products is class A, indicating superior fire protection. Fiber cement siding withstands hours of heat before they melt, and slow fire spreads to nearby premises and property.
Besides aesthetic appearance, sliding is an important safety feature for your house. Fire-resistant materials are a good way to enhance your home's exterior durability. A roofers company provides detailed information to guide your choice if you still have questions about siding materials.