Roofing Upgrades To Consider For Extreme Weather Conditions

Extreme weather conditions can damage roofing shingles and underlayment. These weather conditions, that range from high winds to heavy rains and snow, can lead to massive roofing repairs. You can reduce the chances of damage and the extent of the roofing damage with various upgrades. Here are a few of those upgrades and what you should know about the benefits of each one. 

Slate Upgrade

One of the leading ways to upgrade roofing is to upgrade the roofing material. Though asphalt shingles are traditional and durable, there are options that offer better durability against extreme weather. One of these materials is slate. Slate offers various benefits to roofing upgrades. For example, slate is not easily blown away in high wind weather conditions. It also holds up well to heavy damage that can be caused by hail. This upgrade can help reduce the chances of a significant amount of damage your roof may receive from extreme weather. 

Reduce Overhang

If you are keeping your traditional asphalt roof, you may have a slight overhang as part of the roofing design. These overhangs can cause repair issues if sudden winds occur. Extreme weather such as winds or snow can cause the overhangs to move slightly. This may not be an issue when it happens once or twice, but if it keeps occurring it can cause the roofing to become loose. It can also expose the underlayment. This exposure and damage can cause water damage and wood rot. It can also cause leaks and the need for massive roofing repair. You can reduce these issues by having your roofing contractor reduce the overhang. 

Drip Edge

One aspect of a roof you may not have heard of is a drip edge. A drip edge is a metal connection that is placed on the roof at the overhang level. This drip edge allows the roof to maintain its connection and reduces the chances of the shingles being lifted in heavy winds. The drip edge may already be in place, but if it has not been maintained then it may not be as durable or able to hold the shingles in place. For this reason, one of the upgrades you should consider is having a drip edge either installed or upgraded. 

If you are ready to make improvements to your residential roofing, contact your roofing contractor. They can assess the current roofing situation. They can also help with questions you have about the upgrades. Keep in mind, there are many advancements in roofing materials and roofing methods. Make sure to discuss these advancements and options with your contractor.

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About Me

Can You Top This? Once you watched someone put a roof on a home, you have a much deeper understanding of what's involved in this sort of work. Roofing is not easy. There's a big mental component since the roofers need to decide how how many shingles to use, how to best lay them out, and so forth. Then, there's the physical aspect of roofing. Lugging packages of shingles onto the roof is not easy, and nailing them down take a lot of work, too. With that in mind, we welcome you to read more about roofing on this blog. Let the articles inform your opinion of the profession.




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