3 Common Gutters Issues That AREN'T Normal!

Do you spend much time looking up at your gutters? If not, you may be missing some potentially very costly problems. Your gutters serve a critical function in protecting your home. As water flows down your roof, it drains into the gutters, which then direct it away from the sides of your house. Without these channels, rainwater can potentially flood or even damage your foundation.

Unfortunately, it's easy to ignore common gutter issues. Many people may not realize that the things they consider "normal" are severe issues with their rain channels. If you don't spend much time looking at your gutters, this list of three common and decidedly not normal gutter issues may save you from facing some costly future repairs.

1. Seam Leakage

Many gutter systems use relatively small pieces joined together at seams. If you spend some time looking at houses in your neighborhood, you may notice small (or sometimes not-so-small!) drips from these seams. Seam leaks are a commonplace occurrence, but they shouldn't happen. Your gutters need to direct water to the downspouts without leaking along the way.

If you have leaks at your gutter seams or joints, you'll generally need to conduct a repair. Fortunately, these problems are relatively minor and typically don't require you to replace any parts. Instead, you'll need to locate the problem and reseal the leak using a gutter sealant compound. If in doubt, a professional roofer can help you thoroughly seal any leaky gutter seams or joints.

2. Mold Buildup

Your gutters may look relatively flat, but they always pitch slightly toward your downspouts. This pitch allows water to drain away as it rolls off the roof. If your gutters don't have the proper angle, water can accumulate in low spots and fail to drain to the ground. Over time, this excess moisture can allow mold to take hold of dirt or debris.

If you notice mold buildup on your gutters, it may be due to blockages, especially if you haven't cleaned your gutters recently. However, standing water without any obstructions likely indicates that you have a pitch problem. In these cases, you'll need to repair your gutters to restore the correct angle for proper drainage.

3. Rattling or Clanking

Are your gutters noisy? They shouldn't be! If your gutters move in the wind, they may produce annoying clanking or rattling sounds. Not only is this problem embarrassing, but it also means that you likely have rusty, damaged, or failing hangers. Loose or sagging gutters will inevitably fail, creating leaks and preventing them from doing their job.

If you can see or hear your gutters moving, you'll need to find and repair the loose hangers. Fixing this problem now can help you avoid far more damage in the future since loose gutters can potentially break free during storms.

To learn more information, reach out to gutter repair services near you.

479 Words

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Can You Top This? Once you watched someone put a roof on a home, you have a much deeper understanding of what's involved in this sort of work. Roofing is not easy. There's a big mental component since the roofers need to decide how how many shingles to use, how to best lay them out, and so forth. Then, there's the physical aspect of roofing. Lugging packages of shingles onto the roof is not easy, and nailing them down take a lot of work, too. With that in mind, we welcome you to read more about roofing on this blog. Let the articles inform your opinion of the profession.




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